I was at a student council retreat camp over the weekend. It took place at Lundar, which is a 1&1/2 hr drive from the perimeter. I was there for the whole weekend. I have not done any outdoor camping in such a long time! The last time that I did any sort of LEGIT camping would probably be in grade 5.
This camping trip was the BEST camping experience that I have ever had. The mosquitoes were the suckish part but other than that, it was a great time!
This specific camp site in Lundar is extremely hard to find. You'd think it's a small town, how bad can it be! Apparently, we are supposed to turn onto this hidden road. After half an hr of searching, someone from on the council came and lead us to the camp site. FAIL... it was quite embarrassing lol
The first night, we had a bon fire. We had this crazy drunk dude wandering around the bon fire and told a whole bunch of jokes. He was so drunk that he flashed himself. Geezzz. good thing I looked away. It was NOT a pretty scene. He was so drunk that he tossed his shoe and his shirt into the fire. SMART! He was the entertainer for the night with no doubt. There were soooo many racist jokes. We had two beer pong games between the Asians vs the Caucasians. The Asians (even though there were only 3 Asians out of 25 ppl that were there) owned it all! That night, my tent had some companies joining in. We played President aka Ass Hole for a few hours late at night (or I shall say in the morning). At one point, we just wanted to go to sleep but nooooo, the Super Frosh decided to have a group convo right by our tent for the entire night!!! I was only able to sleep for 2 hrs. What a typical camping night!
The second day, we did some archery, shot some fake deer targets. I was terrible at it. :P We also went to a really pretty quarry that were nearby and did some swimming. Afterwards, we did some shootings with a rifle. It was just GREAT! The second night was so dead silent that everyone had a pretty decent sleep because we all were so worn out from the day.
The third day was just composed of cleaning up and packing. Once I got home, I did some laundry and went to work for an 8 hr shift. I collapsed by the end of the day but it was all worth it!